Featuring sweet potatoes and mushrooms roasted to crispy-edged perfection, plus a whipped feta-tahini sauce with lots of dill, this easy, comforting vegetarian dinner is perfect for fall. Use whatever...
A spicy kick to a delicious and easy baked chicken recipe. Any mustard works, but we love one available at health food stores that has apple cider vinegar in it.
This Thanksgiving mac and cheese recipe from chef Erick Williams is silky and creamy throughout, with (almost) no crispy bits. Serve it as a side dish!
This vinaigrette is great on any type of mixed green, pasta, or marinated vegetable salads. This recipe is an accompaniment for Tuscan White Bean Salad with Spinach, Olives, and Sun-Dried Tomatoes.
Just in time for Thanksgiving, we've given the stunningly delicious Vegducken an autumnal makeover. This year's entirely meatless take on turducken focuses on autumnal flavors with butternut squash, sweet...
Use this master formula as your guide-but feel free to get creative with the add-ins. A dried chile? Sure! A few sprigs of herbs from your windowsill? Why not?
This recipe originally accompanied bobotie. Before we learned to make our own chutney from ingredients as diverse as apricots, dates, quinces and raisins, blatjang was imported from Java, made from sun-dried...
This simple dressing is wonderful as is, especially on a simple green salad, but it also makes a fantastic starting point for more elaborate dressings.
This immunity-boosting chicken noodle soup is just as comforting as your grandma's, but it's also gluten-free and paleo-friendly, thanks to a big helping of spiralized zucchini "noodles" instead of traditional...
If you've never made posole, this is a good starter recipe. There are no hard-to-get cuts (like the pig's head called for in many traditional versions), and most of the process is hands-off.